• 094115 19803
  • 1800 103 4049
  • info@dbuu.ac.in

DEAN'S Message

My years of experience, gives me the feeling of expressing architecture not in words but to explore, each day learning new things through observations and getting involved passionately into the profession. A developed nation is recognized by its infrastructure and the responsibility lies with the planners and architects to shape the built environment with sustainable infrastructure valuing the social, cultural, psychological and economical aspects of the society in sync with 17 SDG’s.
Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University recognized the increasing demand for architects and planners and initiated the architecture program to produce highly skilled and creative architects for the new era. We ensure for a quality education associated with creativity, innovation and multi tasking capabilities along with the overall personality development of the students.
Dev Bhoomi School of Architecture Planning and Design is not just an institute for learning; rather it’s a place for experimenting new ideas and thoughts. I’m sure that our students will serve the society and humanity in a very innovative and sustainable way. I wish all the students a bright future and everlasting happiness.
Dean, DBSA